Thursday, August 4, 2011

First post all over again

I've tried this blog thing before and not had much success, between feeling silly about broadcasting my thoughts and real life intruding on my ability to post regularly, it's been a mess, but I want to show you guys what I can do and I hope it works for all of us.

I did this piece to try to explore anatomy work better than I have been, lately. I have always had this difficulty with drawing characters in a vacuum. They seem to not be interacting with one another or their environment at all. I tried to address that a bit here, giving them both a common target to view out of shot.

Here's the original sketch of the same pic. It has been remarked that I seem to draw a lot of girls/women smoking but, largely, it's been because that's what I've observed of them. From my observations, more women seem to smoke than men and since I don't have a preference for drawing men, you get smoking girls and women.

I have recently discovered the work of James Jean on the covers of the Fables comics and Graphic Novels. I have done these two pieces in the hope of trying to capture something of his visual work in my own.

I don't know how well I've captured his style but I feel like I've moved in that direction a fraction of an inch and that makes me happy.

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